In-person services are resuming on Sunday, June 21! Please see the below guidelines for how service will be conducted in order to help everyone stay safe and healthy.
Services will continue to be available on Zoom!
- Don’t get too excited about in-person services. It’s not going to be the same yet. No potluck yet.
- Please stay at home if you have any symptoms such as fever or cough (see
- Pretend that service will be outdoors when choosing your clothing! Every window and door in the sanctuary will be propped open. If it’s hot out, it’ll be hot inside. If it’s cold out, it’ll be cold inside.
- Please wash your hands before coming to church.
- Park in every other space in the parking lot (including bank lot).
- Maintain physical distancing even while outside.
- When you come into the sanctuary, please sanitize your hands.
- Face coverings are required inside the sanctuary.
- No hugging or handshaking, yet.
- Pews will be marked with target seating areas-sit on the taped area (1, 2, or 3 family members per area).
- If your family needs to go significantly beyond the target area that is marked, please use either of the four front most or rear most pews. Ensure that you’re 6 feet from the nearest non-family member. The adjacent pew may need to be unused.
- We may have music but we won’t be singing. Yet. Hum and worship God!
- Please ensure young children stay with their family.
- Touch as little as possible—avoid touching any surfaces.
- Cough and sneeze etiquette: a) cover mouth and nose with tissue; b) discard tissue; c) wash hands. If you don’t have a tissue, cough/sneeze into your elbow or sleeve.
- Bathrooms will be closed–prepare accordingly!
- Service will end at the latest 11:45 am sharp.
- This is really good! We might still be missing some things we love, but this is a step in that direction and it will be so wonderful to be in the sanctuary together!
Please contact us if you have any questions.